Zeitenwende für die

Wir helfen Industrie und Kommunen, CO2-Emissionen zu reduzieren durch gesunde und bezahlbare solare Wärme.
Meriaura Energy plant und liefert solarthermische Großanlagen für Fernwärme und Prozesswärme.
Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, was wir tun und wie leicht es ist, das Richtige zu tun.

Installierte Kapazität



Durchschnittliche jährliche Wärmegewinnung



Reduzierte CO2-Emissionen, insgesamt


tonnen CO2


Das sind wir

Meriaura Energy ist führender Anbieter solarthermischer Großanlagen in Europa. Expertise, Erfahrung und Kundenverständnis unseres internationalen Teams sind entscheidende Voraussetzungen dafür.
Jede neue Freiflächen Solarthermie Anlage vergrößert unser Wissen. Profitieren Sie davon.

Unsere Wurzeln und unser Hauptsitz liegen lokal in Finnland, aber wir denken und handeln vom ersten Tag an global. Wir sichern den Erfolg unserer Kunden, wo immer sie tätig sind.



Was Kunden über uns sagen

Wir helfen bei der Senkung der Wärmegestehungskosten und Loslösung von Brennstoffabhängigkeiten. Sehen Sie hier, was Peter Blaser, Geschäftsführer der Fernwärme Ettenheim GmbH, über unsere erste Freiflächen Solarthermie Anlage in Deutschland zu erzählen hat, die wir für ihn errichtet haben.

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Despite its small land area, Denmark is a leader in urban decarbonization, particularly through the widespread implementation of district heating. Meriaura Energy has delivered five solar thermal fields, with a total installed capacity exceeding 50 MW.

Learn more about the solutions we've delivered for our customers in Denmark: meriauraenergy.com/en/home/customers/references/

#meriauraenergy #decarbonization #districtheating #solarthermal #collectors #denmark
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Despite its small land area, Denmark is a leader in urban decarbonization, particularly through the widespread implementation of district heating. Meriaura Energy has delivered five solar thermal fields, with a total installed capacity exceeding 50 MW.  Learn more about the solutions weve delivered for our customers in Denmark: https://meriauraenergy.com/en/home/customers/references/  #meriauraenergy #decarbonization #districtheating #solarthermal #collectors #denmark

Mining companies face many challenges, including rising energy costs, the security of energy supplies, and increasing demands from customers and end-users for more sustainable mineral excavation and refining processes. These demands often include reducing carbon footprints and transitioning to carbon-free operations.

Additionally, mining sites are often located in remote areas where fossil fuels are used as the primary energy source; even getting the fuels to the location can be a costly effort.

Solar thermal as an energy source can help solve these challenges. It provides an opportunity for mining operations to transition to a clean energy source at a large-scale, helping to address both environmental and economic challenges.

Learn more: meriauraenergy.com/en/home/customers/mining/

#meriauraenergy #solarthermal #mining #CleanHeat #cleanenergy #Sustainability
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Mining companies face many challenges, including rising energy costs, the security of energy supplies, and increasing demands from customers and end-users for more sustainable mineral excavation and refining processes. These demands often include reducing carbon footprints and transitioning to carbon-free operations.  Additionally, mining sites are often located in remote areas where fossil fuels are used as the primary energy source; even getting the fuels to the location can be a costly effort.  Solar thermal as an energy source can help solve these challenges. It provides an opportunity for mining operations to transition to a clean energy source at a large-scale, helping to address both environmental and economic challenges.  Learn more: https://meriauraenergy.com/en/home/customers/mining/  #meriauraenergy #solarthermal #mining #cleanheat #cleanenergy #sustainability

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.