
Ayudamos a comunidades y empresas a reducir las emisiones de CO2 con calor limpio.
Meriaura Energy diseña y suministra grandes instalaciones solares térmicas para redes de calor y uso industrial.
Lea más información sobre lo que hacemos y nuestra contribución a la lucha contra el cambio climático. 

Capacidad instalada



Producciónn energética media anual



Reducción total de emisiones de CO2


toneladas CO2/y


Quiénes somos

Meriaura Energy es un proveedor líder de grandes instalaciones solares térmicas. Nuestro equipo internacional cuenta con excelentes conocimientos y experiencia en el ámbito de la energía solar térmica, las redes de calor y el calor de procesos industriales. Nuestra sede y nuestros orígenes se encuentran en Finlandia, pero operamos de forma global para hacer posible el éxito de nuestros clientes donde quiera que se encuentren. 



Testimonios de nuestros clientes

En Meriaura Energy ayudamos a nuestros clientes a alcanzar el éxito en su negocio y en su labor medioambiental, tratando siempre de lograr la mayor satisfacción posible del cliente. En este vídeo (en inglés) puede ver lo que cuenta Peter Blaser, director general de Ettenheim GmbH, sobre nuestra primera instalación en Alemania. 

Meriaura Energy en las redes sociales

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7 days ago
Meriaura Energy

Heating, in general, is the most significant energy use worldwide. Supplying heat for homes, industry and other purposes makes up approximately 50% of the world's total energy consumption. This is considerably higher than electricity (20%) and transportation (30%).

To limit climate change, we need to transition the global energy sector from fossil-based to zero-carbon by the second half of the century. The Net Zero emissions by 2050 scenario means that there is a need for a shift from fossil to clean, renewable heat.

Meriaura Energy is at the heart of this great change, providing an endless clean heat source, taking us towards a more sustainable future.

Learn more: meriauraenergy.com/home/clean-energy/renewable-heat-sources-as-a-solution/

#meriauraenergy #renewableheat #solarthermal #solarheat #solarheating #Heating #CleanHeat #RenewableEnergy #Innovation #Sustainability #greentransition
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Heating, in general, is the most significant energy use worldwide. Supplying heat for homes, industry and other purposes makes up approximately 50% of the worlds total energy consumption. This is considerably higher than electricity (20%) and transportation (30%).  To limit climate change, we need to transition the global energy sector from fossil-based to zero-carbon by the second half of the century. The Net Zero emissions by 2050 scenario means that there is a need for a shift from fossil to clean, renewable heat.  Meriaura Energy is at the heart of this great change, providing an endless clean heat source, taking us towards a more sustainable future.  Learn more: https://meriauraenergy.com/home/clean-energy/renewable-heat-sources-as-a-solution/  #meriauraenergy #renewableheat #solarthermal #solarheat #solarheating #heating #cleanheat #renewableenergy #innovation #sustainability #greentransition

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2 weeks ago
Meriaura Energy

The district heating system, implemented Creutzwald, France in 2020, marks our fourth project within the French market. 🇫🇷 The solar heating system spans more than 5,600 square meters and produces over 2,600 MWh of clean energy each year.

Meriaura Energy was responsible for supplying the majority of the solar thermal plant, including the solar collector field, piping, the design and delivery of the heat exchange station, and automation. LFDE subsidiary owns and operates the solar heating system, selling heat to ENES Creutzwald's municipality, the owner of the district heating network.

Read more: meriauraenergy.com/cases/creutzwald-2/

#meriauraenergy #districtheating #solarthermalplant #cleanenergy #solarheatingsystem #reference #france
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The district heating system, implemented Creutzwald, France in 2020, marks our fourth project within the French market. 🇫🇷 The solar heating system spans more than 5,600 square meters and produces over 2,600 MWh of clean energy each year.  Meriaura Energy was responsible for supplying the majority of the solar thermal plant, including the solar collector field, piping, the design and delivery of the heat exchange station, and automation. LFDE subsidiary owns and operates the solar heating system, selling heat to ENES Creutzwalds municipality, the owner of the district heating network.  Read more: https://meriauraenergy.com/cases/creutzwald-2/  #meriauraenergy #districtheating #solarthermalplant #cleanenergy #solarheatingsystem #reference #france

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.