Industrial process heat

Large solar thermal is the most economical source of clean heat for industrial process heat

Industrial manufacturing companies face many challenges, among them increasing energy costs, security of supply, reduction of carbon footprints, and requirements for the transition to carbon-free processes. Solar thermal as an energy source helps solve these challenges. 

Flat plate collector-based solar plants provide a competitive source of heat for applications requiring heat below <100 °C. Cleaning-In-Place, drying processes and pasteurisation requiring <100 °C can mainly be covered with solar thermal heat, through the heating of process feedwater and make-up water.

Common industrial application areas are:

Solar thermal plant Issoudun

Meriaura Energy’s collectors make them particularly attractive for use in large and medium-size installations for industrial process heating

The higher yield provided by Meriaura Energy’s collectors make them particularly attractive for use in large and medium-size installations for industrial process heating.

Meriaura Energy offers complete solar thermal system design and installation for industrial process heating systems. As always, we first want to understand the specific challenges of the industry and the plant in question, and by listening to the customer, design the optimal plant to help the factory solve its main energy challenges. We have a credible track record and experience of different industrial systems, and our competent team, together with select local partners, can design and deliver the entire solar system for your industrial manufacturing process.

Our most relevant references include projects that were the largest solar thermal plants for industrial use in Europe at the time of commissioning. See our reference list for more details.

Key Benefits: