
We are dedicated to the design and manufacture of solar thermal absorbers, collectors and solar thermal systems that provide tangible environmental and economic benefits. Solar thermal as a source of heat has one of the lowest CO2 emission footprints of all clean heat sources. Every solar thermal plant we deliver helps to reduce the climate impact of our society.

Meriaura Energy is not only committed to mitigating human-induced global climate change by eco-innovative products and services, but also to continuously promoting innovativeness in all our operations to minimise the overall environmental footprint of the company and maximise the handprint on environment and society. 

Every employee at Meriaura Energy is committed to consistently delivering added value to our customers and shareholders. Quality is an integrated part of our business and it is embedded in our way of working. We at Meriaura Energy continuously improve our products and our own working methods to achieve company targets.


Sustainability is at the core of Meriaura Energy

We continuously seek to deepen our understanding of risks related to negative impacts on (environmental) sustainability and set clear targets and action plans to reduce this risk. We encourage all our stakeholders to do the same and train our personnel to be actively engaged in this endeavour. We recognise the importance of the preservation of biodiversity and act promptly to reduce any harmful impacts on it.

Meriaura Energy is committed to encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion among our workforce. We aim to create and sustain a working environment free of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination, promoting dignity and respect for all, and where individual differences and the contributions of all staff are recognised and valued.