
Avec une chaleur propre, nous aidons les villes et les entreprises à réduire leurs émissions de CO2. Meriaura Energy conçoit et installe de grandes centrales solaires thermiques pour les réseaux de chaleur et l’industrie. Découvrez-en plus sur ce que nous faisons et comment nous contribuons à lutter contre le changement climatique.

Capacité installée totale



Production de chaleur moyenne annuelle



Réduction totale de CO2


tonnes de CO2/an


À propos

Meriaura Energy est le leader des fournisseurs de grandes centrales solaires thermiques. Notre équipe internationale possède un savoir-faire et une grande expérience dans les secteurs du solaire thermique, pour les gros consommateurs de chaleur tels que les réseaux de chaleur et de froid et les procédés industriels. Notre siège social et les débuts de notre histoire se situent en Finlande mais nous opérons à l’échelle mondiale afin de permettre à nos clients de réussir là où ils se trouvent. 



Nos clients racontent

Avec en priorité la satisfaction de ses clients, l’équipe de Meriaura Energy les aide à réussir leurs projets mais aussi leur travail pour l’environnement. Dans cette vidéo en anglais, découvrez ce que dit Peter Blaser, le directeur de Fernwärme Ettenheim GmbH, sur le réseau de chaleur de la ville d’Ettenheim où nous avons réalisé notre première centrale en Allemagne. 

Meriaura Energy sur les réseaux sociaux

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5 days ago
Meriaura Energy

An approximately 3000 m2 solar thermal field enables the replacement of 2410 MWh of former gas-heated heat with renewable heat in Narbonne’s city network, managed by a subsidiary of Dalkia.

On behalf of newHeat, Meriaura Energy was responsible for constructing the majority of the solar plant, including the solar collector field, the heat exchanger outlet, and the thermal storage tank. With over 200 collectors in operation, the system ensures high energy efficiency, reducing CO2 emissions by 510 tons annually from the city’s district heating network.

Learn more: meriauraenergy.com/cases/narbonne-2/

#meriauraenergy #solarthermalfield #renewableenergy #solarplant #solarcollectorfield #districtheating #reference
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An approximately 3000 m2 solar thermal field enables the replacement of 2410 MWh of former gas-heated heat with renewable heat in Narbonne’s city network, managed by a subsidiary of Dalkia.  On behalf of newHeat, Meriaura Energy was responsible  for constructing the majority of the solar plant, including the solar collector field, the heat exchanger outlet, and the thermal storage tank. With over 200 collectors in operation, the system ensures high energy efficiency, reducing CO2 emissions by 510 tons annually from the city’s district heating network.  Learn more: https://meriauraenergy.com/cases/narbonne-2/  #meriauraenergy #solarthermalfield #renewableenergy #solarplant #solarcollectorfield #districtheating #reference
2 weeks ago
Meriaura Energy

The European Commission updated the Renewable Energy Directive in November 2023.. Europe will see a rapid growth in the production of renewable energy.

The directive sets an overall renewable energy target of at least 42.5% binding at EU level by 2030 - but aiming for 45%.

Under the European Green Deal, renewable energy is a pillar of the clean energy transition. It comes at a low cost and is home-grown, which reduces Europe’s dependency on external suppliers.

Source: European Commission

Learn more: energy.ec.europa.eu/topics/renewable-energy/renewable-energy-directive-targets-and-rules/renewabl...
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The European Commission updated the Renewable Energy Directive in November 2023.. Europe will see a rapid growth in the production of renewable energy.  The directive sets an overall renewable energy target of at least 42.5% binding at EU level by 2030 - but aiming for 45%.  Under the European Green Deal, renewable energy is a pillar of the clean energy transition. It comes at a low cost and is home-grown, which reduces Europe’s dependency on external suppliers.  Source: European Commission  Learn more: https://energy.ec.europa.eu/topics/renewable-energy/renewable-energy-directive-targets-and-rules/renewable-energy-directive_en
3 weeks ago
Meriaura Energy

With 930 collectors and an area of almost 15,000 m², the solar thermal plant in Verdun, France, supplies 8 GWh of decarbonized heat for the Lacto Serum factory nearby. The plant is owned and operated by Newheat.

Learn more: meriauraenergy.com/cases/verdun-2/

#meriauraenergy #solarthermalplant #collectors #CleanHeat #RenewableEnergy #Sustainability #france #Reference
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With 930 collectors and an area of almost 15,000 m², the solar thermal plant in Verdun, France, supplies 8 GWh of decarbonized heat for the Lacto Serum factory nearby. The plant is owned and operated by Newheat.  Learn more: https://meriauraenergy.com/cases/verdun-2/  #meriauraenergy #solarthermalplant #collectors #cleanheat #renewableenergy #sustainability #france #reference
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.