Get in touch!

Let’s work together! We help communities and companies to reduce CO2 emissions with clean heat

Meriaura Energy designs and delivers large-scale solar thermal solutions to district heating producers and industry. Contact us and we will forward your message to the right person – we are always happy to hear from you! 

We are active globally

Our headquarter and manufacturing facility is located in Finland and we have subsidiaries in Denmark and Germany.

Our locations


Meriaura Energy Oy

Insinöörinkatu 7
50150 Mikkeli
Phone +358 10 271 0810
VAT Number: 3355280-5


Meriaura Energy ApS

Hærvejen 9, Bov
6330 Padborg
Phone +45 29 11 03 71
VAT Number: 35808329


Meriaura Energy GmbH

Kühnehöfe 3
22761 Hamburg
Phone +49 (0) 40 500 34 97-0
FAX +49 (0) 40 500 34 97-4
Mobile +49 (0) 174 815 90 46
VAT Number: 41/756/03943